Concept/Art Direction/Design

750+ custom designs | 10% market share

With their phone business floundering, launching Surface was a big bet. The PC market is a crowded landscape. Could Microsoft shake off the rust and create a product that people loved?

The Surface, a touch screen with a click in tablet screen, it's about being physical. So the strategy became less about digital and more about the physicality of the printed medium. With the ink still drying on this new brand, my team and I begin crafting concepts around this goal.

The visual takeover of retails spaces became a key element of this ambitious plan. Working with Pastilla, the brand creators, additional flexibility was added to the Surface "look" to allow for the various types of use being discussed.

Media buys were made in a multitude of formats, everything from ads in the New Yorker, to mall elevators, to billboards in Time Square.

At final count, over 750 pieces of creative were concepted and produced. Surface launched to great reviews praising its hardware design, accessories, and aspects of its operating system. By 2013 Surface had cornered nearly 10% of of the PC market.

OOH, Print
